The unique position of Vite in our ecosystem
Published onMany meta frameworks now place Vite between the framework and the developer. Let's explore what this means for us in comparison to a framework that isn't built this way.
Many meta frameworks now place Vite between the framework and the developer. Let's explore what this means for us in comparison to a framework that isn't built this way.
Like Cypress, Playwright is also a framework for end-to-end testing. Find out what are some of the differences and write your first Playwright test!
Despite trying out numerous methods of writing CSS, I never felt that my code was resilient. Utility-first CSS helped me rethink separation of concerns.
Introduction to the concept of developer experience and advice on why and how to improve it in JavaScript projects.
One of the challenges of maintaining a static site is continuously ensuring that links work, both local and external.
Make your development workflow more readable by replacing long npm scripts with gulp tasks elegantly composed using new API in gulp v4.
My experience of rewriting my Gatsby blog to Next.js, what went well, and what didn’t.
Gain a deeper understanding about the value of Git history and learn how to record changes exactly the way you want, no compromises.
Parts of this series:
Redux was created when React Context was still experimental, learn how to imitate Redux using modern React API, based on a few posts by Kent C. Dodds.
Learn what mocking is, when to use it, and which features Jest offers on this subject. Vitest and Jest share similar syntax amd philosohpy.
Parts of this series:
There is an overlap in functionality between ESLint and Prettier. Find out how to resolve this conflict and use ESLint to enforce Prettier in your codebase.
As developing web applications becomes more commonplace and nuanced, we often look for creative ways to bridge the gaps between those languages to make our development environments and workflows easier and more efficient.
Parts of this series:
My blog used to be on Medium, but it had some missing features and odd behaviors that eventually drove me away.
Frequent use of code folding and the minimap feature might indicate that the codebase should be restructured in a way that doesn't require hiding code.
react-transition-group is a library intended to be combined with CSS transitions to animate elements in and out of the DOM.
Codemods are really useful for automatically refactoring large amounts of code in a similar way, yet there aren't many resources on this topic.
The best code rules are not written, they are enforced. Find out how to create your own ESLint rules using an existing rule and syntax tree selectors.
Splitting large JSX expressions into functions affects readability in the sense that the reader has to look elsewhere in order to understand the expression.
The question of where to save a dependency is clear when building a library, but in application codebases it's usually just a convention.
Unit testing a simple todo application built with React and Redux using AVA.
Parts of this series:
While watching a video about the terrifying comments that women on YouTube have to endure daily, the downvoting feature caught my attention.
Many view ESLint as a nuissance, but if used correctly it can improve the quality of your project and even teach you JavaScript.
Manual testing is usually slow, tedious and error-prone, we need a way to automate testing across different browsers and platforms.
Lately there has been a lot of talk on Twitter about Sass, PostCSS, cssnext etc. How do all of these tools work together?
After installing a Bower component there is still some manual linking to do, which can be tedious depending on the number of assets. Let's automate this!
Templating languages are really useful for generating HTML, learn how to use a simple Gulp plugin to start building a website.
SVG sprites are definitely better for performance, but tooling isn't there yet. So what do we do now? Learn more SVG, that will always be useful!
Adding vendor prefixes to our CSS is repetitive, so we started using Sass mixins, but now we can use Autoprefixer instead.